2010 онд АНУ-ын Мэрилэнд мужын Балтимор хотод 2 номын санд 14 хоног дадлага хийсэн
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Got a visa
My preparation work is going well and successful with support PAS team of the U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Award Specifics U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
Below are the Award Specifics that accompany the Department of State (DOS) federal assistance awards. The data elements below are required for all awards.
A DOS Notice of Award consists of the following four components:
• DS-1909 Federal Assistance Award Coversheet – mandatory for all DOS Awards
• Award Specifics (below)
• Bureau/Program Specifics (Domestic) Post Specifics (overseas) Requirements, if applicable
• Standard Terms and Conditions (available either on-line or printed from the A/OPE/FA website)
Providing the Standard Terms and Conditions to a recipient is optional, but can be requested by the recipient.
1. Standardized Assistance Instrument Identification Number:
2. Amount of Award: USD 2,733.00
Purpose/Scope of Award: Grant to cover City Library staff Begzsuren internship in USA from Oct 1-18, 2010
3. Grants Officer Contact Information: (phone/fax, email, address)
Marissa Maurer
Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Ulaanbaatar
Big Ring Road, 11th microdistrict
Tel: (976) 11-312-356
E-mail: MaurerM2@state.gov
Grants Officer Representative:
The Grants Officer's Representative (GOR) for this Grant agreement will be Otgon Yo., PAS Program Assistant. The GOR is responsible for the programmatic, technical, and/or scientific aspects of this award
4. Payment Method: bank transfer
If the payment method is through the Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS), use the following provision:
Payments under this award will be made through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS). The Payment Management System instructions are available under the PMS website and can be accessed at the following address: http://www.dpm.psc.gov/. Recipients should request funds based on immediate disbursement requirements and disburse funds as soon as possible to minimize the Federal cash on hand in accordance with the policies established by the U.S. Treasury Department and mandated by the OMB Circulars.
If the payment method is through the Automated Clearing House Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH/EFT) - SF-270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement, use the following provision:
The Standard Form 270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement Payments
may be requested in the amounts required by the recipient to carry out the
purpose of this award. The SF-270 must be certified by the appropriate
person, numbered consecutively and identified for the period which payment
is claimed. Each payment must be the amount of expenditures anticipated
during the requested period less any unexpended funds remaining from prior
payments. This information must be reflected on the Standard Form 270
submitted for payment.
When submitting a request for payment use the address provided on the DS-
1909. Requests for payments must be submitted in sufficient time to allow
at least fourteen (l4) working days for processing.
5. Post-Award Compliance:
Department Of State Standard Terms and Conditions for Federal Assistance Awards are incorporated by reference and made part of this Notice of Award. Electronic copies containing the complete text are available at: http://fa.statebuy.state.gov, under Resources select Notice of Awards (T&Cs) to access the domestic or overseas terms and conditions applicable to the Recipient.
The Recipient and any sub-recipient, in addition to the assurances and certifications made part of the Notice of Award, must comply with all applicable terms and conditions during the project period.
6. Authorized Budget
Budget Categories 1st
Install-ment 2-d install-ment
1. Airfair 1,332 1,332
2. Meals 720 720
3. Lodging 450 450
4. Visa fee 131 131
5. travel allowance 100 100
6. Internet fee
7. Supplemental fees for the advisors
7. ERC Director salary
10. Indirect Costs* (reflect provisional, pre-determined rate and allocation base)
11. Total Costs (lines 9-10) 2,733 2,733
12. Cost-Sharing
8. Reporting and Monitoring.
The Recipient shall, within ninety days (90) from the completion of the project, submit an accounting of all expenditures made from these grant funds and a brief narrative report of accomplishments attributable to these expenditures to the Grants Officer. The Recipient will also submit expenditure and progress reports at the conclusion of each semester.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Message to the EIFL's Public Library Innovation Program Team
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
To: pliplibraries@lists.eifl.net
Date: 20 Sept. 2010
Dear PLIP Team,
How are you? What is new for you?
We, "Establishment of the DAISY Talking Book Center" project team, are working
non-stop. In these days we are doing a training for Mongolian Blind Community to
introduce BookSense reader device and Mongolian first 2 DAISY books on it.
Photo news:
DAISY News blog: http://daisy-upl-mongolia.blogspot.com/
Another news is,
A Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia supported and organized
library internship program to support our Ulaanbaatar Public Library Innovation
Steps and Human Resource, then I'm selected by PAS to the internship to work in
this October 2 weeks (first week at the public library, the Enoch Pratt Free
Library, and the second week at the Maryland State Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped).
Please, follow my blog site http://lip-news.blogspot.com to share my news from
Library Internship Program.
Thank you for your time to read my message and hardly working to show your
innovation steps to the World Libraries with cooperation EIFL and Melinda &
Gates Foundation.
Best wishes,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
International Visitors Program in 2005
хуудсанд мэдээлсэн байгаатай танилцахыг урьж байна.
Enerelees mendchilgee
Re: Enerelees mendchilgee
From: Enerel D.
To: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Sain baitsgaana uu, ta nar,
Ta naryn profile-g unshij taniltslaa. Begzsuren oort tan Amerikt Baltimore Public Libraryd turshlaga sudlakhaar yavj bgaad ikh bayartai baina. Dakhin bayar khurgie.
Minii khuvd gevel 2002-2003 on khurtel Kent State University-giin nomyn sangiin angiig togsson. Ankh 1999-2000 on khurtel Library Assistant mayagaar Cleveland Public Libraryd ajillaj, nomyn sanch bolokh suuriig min tavsan. Ene ajild reference ikh hiideg bsan, yalanguya oros, ungar kheltei khumuust ih tusaldag bsan. 1994-1999 on khurtel Ungar ulsyn Budapest khotyn Eotvos Lorandiin neremjit ih Surguuliin Oros khelnii fakultetyg togsson um.
2004 onoos Cleveland Public Libraryd Katalogchaar 6 jil ajillasan. Manai nomyn san 45 gadaad khelnii materialtai, Amerikd 3-r tom nomyn sand ordog. Manaikh zovkhon public gej yavdaggui, bas research library gej yavdag ontslogtoi. Tiimd bi ikhenkh gadaad khelnii material (nom, CD, DVD, software)-g katalogladag bsan. Oros khelnii nomnuud khamgiin ikh circulationtai bdag. Daraa n khiatad khelny materialuud ordog. Oros khelny mergejiltei tul bi mon ikhenkh Slav ba Ungar khelny nomnuudyg OCLC-s manai ooriin Sirsi gedeg database-ruu oruuldag bsan. OCLCd bhgui ued ikhevchlen original cataloging khiideg bsan.
CJK gej (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) khrariutsan 2 katalogch bdag, 1 n tetgevertee garhaas omno nadad solongos khel zaaj ogson. Bi ooroo bie daazh Japon ba Hindi, Marathi, Bengali oortoo zaasan. Amerikt ediin zasgiin khyamral bolood, budget ikh tasalsan tul bid oorsdoo tsadah yadhaaraa olon ulsyn unshigchdaa yaj nom khurgekh uu gedeg uudnees kharj ujej ehelsen.
Turuu jil bi Metadata gesen 8 doloo khonogiin online workshopd oroltson. Tiimd bi digitization d ih sonirholtoi bgaa.
Sursan medleg, turshlagaa bi tanartai khuvaaltsya gej bodson yum.
PS: yahoo messengert tanaryg hayagiig oruulsan. Miniikh **** @yahoo.com
Date: 2010/9/1
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Сайн байна уу, Энэрэлээ,
Сайн байна уу, ХТНС-ийн ажилтануудаа,
Энэ мөчөөс та бид бие биенээ таньж мэдэх, улмаар бие биенээсээ суралцах зайлшгүй суралцах хэрэгтэй байна.
Энэрэл нь Хотын нийтийн төв номын санд 2010-7-1 өдөр зочилж ирж, номын сангийн Захирал, Дэд захирал нартай уулзаж өөрийгөө танилцуулж, улмаар бие биедээ мэргэжлээрээ харилцан туслалцаж, хамтран ажиллахаар ярилцсан болно:
Энэрэлээ, хариу имэйлдээ өөрийнхөө ажил, суралцсан сургуулийнхаа тухай манай номын санчдад товч бичихийг хүсье.
Бидний талаарх товч мэдээллийг дараах хаягуудаас авч, эчнээ танилцахыг хүсье.
Миний профайл: http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
Ном бүрдүүлэгч З.Төгсжаргалын
email: togsoo_67@yahoo.com
профайл: http://biznetwork.mn/profile/ZJaka
Каталогч Н.Одхүүгийн
email: h_oche@yahoo.com
профайл: http://biznetwork.mn/p/ghana.
Лавлагааны номын санч В.Түвшинтогтохын
имэйл: ask_library@yahoo.com
профайл: http://biznetwork.mn/profile/ERTEDUGE
Салбар номын сангуудын байршлын тухай мэдээлэл:
Бид ажлын цагаар Яахоо мессенжерийг байнга хэрэглэдэг тул дээрх Яахоогийн ID-уудыг мессенжерт ашиглаж болно.
Өнөөдөр бид бас нэг баяртай мэдээг хүлээж авлаа. Миний бие 10-р сарын 4-15-ны хооронд АНУ-ын Мериланд мужын Балтимори хотын Нийтийн номын санд туршлага судлахаар ажиллах боломжтой болоод байна. Энэ өдрөөс эхлэн виз, онгоцны билетээ хөөцөлдөж эхэлсэн. АНУ-ын ЭСЯамны Олон нийттэй харилцах албанаас энэ боломжийг олгож өгч, улмаар АНУ-Монголын номын санчдын туршлага солилцох арга хэмжээг тогтмолжуулах зорилготой байгаа юм байна.
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
From: Enerel D.
To: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Sent: Wed, September 1, 2010 2:57:28 PM
Subject: Re: Enerelees mendchilgee
Sain baina uu, Begzsuren,
Ikh saikhan medeeleltei email yavuulsand bayarlalaa. Medeej bi oortoo chin sanal neg baina. Manai Ulaanbaatar khotyn nomyn sand heden salbar (branch) baidagaas gadna ted nar haana bairladag ve gej asuukh gesen yum.
Skype bii uu? Tegvel video conference khiikh bolomjtoi.
2010/8/30 Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Сайн байна уу, Энэрэл-ээ,
Надаас түрүүлж, эхлэж имэйл бичсэнд их баярлалаа. Монгол эх орондоо сайхан амраад, одоо шинэ ажил амьдралыг Голландад эхлүүлж байгаад баяр хүргэе.
Миний ажиллаж байгаа Д.Нацагдоржийн нэрэмжит Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сангийн Ном бүрдүүлэгч, Каталогч, Лавлагааны номын санч болон Бусад ном олголтын номын санчдын профайлыг өнөөдөр илгээж, танилцуулах арга хэмжээг эхний ээлжинд авна, харин цаашид номын санчид өөртэй тань байнгын холбоотой байхыг би зөвлөж ажиллая гэж бодож байна.
Саяхнаас Номын сангийн албан бичгүүдийг бид онлайн болгож байна:
Номын сан бүртгэлийн төлбөр болон Гэрээр ном олгохдоо ном бүрээр хоног тутамд хураамж авдагийг өөрчлөх цаг болсон гэсэн хэлэлцүүлэг:
Facebook дэхь номын сангийн хуудас:
Номын сангийн Жиргээ:
гэх мэт чөлөөт мэдээллийн хуудаснуудтай холбоотой байхыг хүсье.
Мөн Монголын номын санчдын саналаа солилцох талбар - http://lis.byteact.com/ гэсэн форум бас байгааг уламжилъя.
Мөн өөрийн тань санаа бодлыг би байнга хүлээн авахад бэлэн гэдгээ илэрхийлье.
Эрүүл энх (-ийг Аз жаргал, Эд баялаг дагадаг шүү дээ :-) )-ийг хүсэн ерөөж,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
From: Enerel D.
To: mcl_begee@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 4:05:38 PM
Subject: Enerelees mendchilgee
Sain bn uu, Begzsuren,
Saihan amarsan uu? Ajil uils sain gedegt naidaj bn. Bi shan amraad irsen. Minii nohor Gollandad ajiltai bolood bid nar Amerikaas nuuj irsen. End yamar ch bsan 1 jil garui bolno.
Herev ta khamtran ajiillah sonirholtoi bgaa bol bi zovlogch mayagaar meddeg buh yumaa khuvaaltsmaar bn. Bid mongolyn nomyn sangiin sistemiig shinechlekh heregtei gedgiig bi ene zun medej avlaa.
To the International Visitors Program 2005 supporters
From: "Bartley, Larry"
To: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Date: Thu, September 16, 2010
Mr. Begzsuren:
Congratulations on receiving your internship. I hope that it will be educational and enjoyable.
Best wishes,
Larry Bartley
Trust and Development Director
Tulsa Library Trust
-----Original Message-----
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav [mailto:mcl_begee@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:35 AM
Dear my U.S. State Department International Visitor's Program supporters,
Dear all American library people,
Greeting to you from Mr. Begzsuren Jamsranjav, who was one of the Mongolian 3 participants, met with you through the International Visitor's Program in August
8-26, 2005.
I think, you can remember me from my International Visitors Program website at http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn/ivp_mongolia.html
Today I'm sending to you my lucky news, "I'm going to back to the USA in 2-18th October and to do 2 weeks internship in Maryland State Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped and Enoch Pratt Free Library".
I'm very glad and I sure this my internship will help me to feel American librarians work heart and to introduce Ulaanbaatar public library innovation
steps. You can read and track my blogs at http://lip-news.blogspot.com for communication and share my news to your colleague. Also, If I have a chance/time
I want to meet some of you to know your current work.
Thank you for your time to remember me and to browse my internship blog posts.
Sincerely Yours,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
To the International Visitors Program 2005 supporters
Date: Fri, September 17, 2010
you by any chance happen to be in Washington, DC, please let me know me
know ahead of time and I would be very happy to share some coffee or tea
with you if our schedules match. Please keep me informed. Safe travels
and I will look forward to tracking your blog. Marta Pereyma
-----Original Message-----
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav [mailto:mcl_begee@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:35 AM
Dear my U.S. State Department International Visitor's Program supporters,
Dear all American library people,
Greeting to you from Mr. Begzsuren Jamsranjav, who was one of the Mongolian 3 participants, met with you through the International Visitor's Program in August 8-26, 2005.
I think, you can remember me from my International Visitors Program website at
Today I'm sending to you my lucky news, "I'm going to back to the USA in 2-18th
October and to do 2 weeks internship in Maryland State Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped and Enoch Pratt Free Library".
I'm very glad and I sure this my internship will help me to feel American librarians work heart and to introduce Ulaanbaatar public library innovation steps. You can read and track my blogs at http://lip-news.blogspot.com for communication and share my news to your colleague. Also, If I have a chance/time I want to meet some of you to know your current work.
Thank you for your time to remember me and to browse my internship blog posts.
Sincerely Yours,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
To Asian Division of the Library of Congress
To: "Meinheit, Susan"
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Date: Sat, September 18, 2010
Dear J. Begzsuren:
Congratulations on your internship. It sounds like a great opportunity! If you have time to visit Washington and Library of Congress please let me know. It would be very nice to see you and show you the progress we've made with the Mongolian collection since your last visit. I'll try to check your blog to catch up also.
Best wishes,
Susan Meinheit
Tibetan and Mongolian Area Specialist
Asian Division
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-4810
-----Original Message-----
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav [mailto:mcl_begee@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:35 AM
To: mcl_begee@yahoo.com
Dear my U.S. State Department International Visitor's Program supporters, Dear all American library people,
Greeting to you from Mr. Begzsuren Jamsranjav, who was one of the Mongolian 3 participants, met with you through the International Visitor's Program in August 8-26, 2005.
I think, you can remember me from my International Visitors Program website at http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn/ivp_mongolia.html
Today I'm sending to you my lucky news, "I'm going to back to the USA in 2-18th October and to do 2 weeks internship in Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and Enoch Pratt Free Library".
I'm very glad and I sure this my internship will help me to feel American librarians work heart and to introduce Ulaanbaatar public library innovation steps. You can read and track my blogs at http://lip-news.blogspot.com for communication and share my news to your colleague. Also, If I have a chance/time I want to meet some of you to know your current work.
Thank you for your time to remember me and to browse my internship blog posts.
Sincerely Yours,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar :
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
To Open Society Forum, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
From: Baljid
To: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 4:05:48 PM
Subject: RE: :SPAM: Re: DataCapture software
Сайн байна уу? Бэгзээ,
БАЯР ХҮРГЭЕ. Танайхан энэ жил их ургац сайтай байгаа юм байнааJ. Нэг Номын сан ч гэсэн CHANGE болбол бусад нь ч бас сайн зүйл рүү уруу татагдах байхаа. Манай жижигхэн Мэдээллийн төвд ч хэрэг болох, нэвтрүүлчихэж болох туршлага харж яваарай.
By the way, I’d like to be a CouchSurfer’s host here in UB J and it’s one of greatest way to have friends all over the world and share our life experiences. How would you advise/suggest me on this matter, aan?
From: Begzsuren Jamsranjav [mailto:mcl_begee@yahoo.com]
Sent: 2010 оны 9 дүгээр сарын 16 16:13
To: ????????@forum.mn
Subject: :SPAM: Re: DataCapture software
Сайн байна уу,
Мэдээлэл илгээж байгаад их баярлалаа.
Би 10-р сарын 4-18-ны өдрүүдэд АНУ-ын Maryland мужын Baltimore хотын Хараагүйчүүдийн номын сан (http://www.lbph.lib.md.us/) болон Pratt Free Library (http://www.prattlibrary.org/) гэсэн 2 номын санд туршлага судлахаар явах бэлтгэлээ хангаж байна.
Энэхүү library internship хөтөлбөрийнхөө тухай http://lip-news.blogspot.com вэбд тэмдэглэл хөтөлж байгаатай цаг гарган танилцахыг хүсээд, зөвлөгөө-хүсэлт-мэдээллийг дуртайяа хүлээж авахаа илэрхийлье.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Виз хүссэн албан бичиг
Ulaanbaatar Public Library official request to U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar for Mr. Begzsuren's visa.
Албан бичгийг үзэх: http://ub-pl-documents.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html
Чухал судалгаа
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
On the road, what I learned
What I learned
September 2010 Directory of Public Libraries of Maryland
Public Libraries of Maryland
I'll do a internship on below libraries:
Maryland State Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201-3603
Tel: 410-230-2424
Enoch Pratt Free Library
CEO: Carla D. Hayden, Ph.D.
Web Address: http://www.prattlibrary.org
Catalog Access: http://pac.epfl.net/uhtbin/webcat
Passenger Information | Passenger Name | |
![]() | ||
Friday, September 10, 2010
to my host family
Date: 9 Sept, 2010
Dear My Host Family,
Thank you very much for your housing and hospitality.
I was very glad when I receive a message "Begzee, first of all congratulations on your program approval !!! " in 1st of September, 2010,
now I'm again with a very much happy to know your nice family accepted me to host during my Library Internship Program in 2-18th of October, 2010.
Please, I want to briefly introduce myself.
I'm 34 years old, was born in 1976. I'm married with Mrs. Mungunsoyombo in 1999, now we have 4 children (son 12 years old, daughters are 10, 5, 4 years old).
I have been working 12 years in my work, Ulaanbaatar Public Library, since 1998, when I finished my school, Mongolian State University, as a software engineer.
My wife has studied for costume fashion designing and food production. She works at home all time with our children and for our future.
My family started a couch surfing on July 2008, my profile is http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz. You can read my family friends' references on it.
I very well understand that, this is very important thing in human's life to make a friendship and to do a hospitality, from my U.S. State Department International Visitor's Program in 2005.
That is all in briefly.
I'll be ready and happy to accept your family rules and will be really glad to be your family member.
Thank you for your time and reply messages with more family information to me.
With best wishes,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
To Library Journal Editor
Date: 9 Sep, 2010
Dear Library Journal Editor Group,
Greetings to you from Mr. Begzsuren, a IT Manager at Ulaanbaatar Public Library,
I selected to be a participant to the First Library Internship Program on
Mongolia-USA public library. This program supported and organized by Public
Affairs Section of U.S. Embassy in Mongolia on request and cooperation with
Ulaanbaatar Public Library.
My internship will be held in 4-16 of October in 2010 in Maryland Public
If you browse my blog on Library Internship Program at
http://lip-news.blogspot.com/, I hope you can find some basic information.
I'm ready to send you my articles on this internship program, if you interest
Thank you for your time and reply messages,
Sincerely Yours,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar :
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
on details of Internship Daily Program
Dear Jill Lewis,
First of all, thank you very much for your great contribution to start this Library Internship Program with Mongolian Public Libraries. I think, this is a really first program to make a library internship in Mongolia-American cooperation.
I hope, you have received my CV and Wish list from Library Internship Program. Anyway, I started my blog about my internship at http://lip-news.blogspot.com, you can browse my blog posts for more information.
Please, if you send me your suggestion and advice on details of Library Internship Daily Program, I'll work on it and discuss with you.
Thank you very much for your time and next messages to me.
Sincerely Yours,
* IT specialist, Ulaanbaatar Public Library : http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
* head, Library and Information Technology Association
* CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar : http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
* Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
* eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
* BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
* Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
* Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
A Visa Appointment
To: Begzsuren Jamsranjav
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 12:14:42 PM
Subject: RE: Library internship
Dear Begz,
Thanks for your updates.
Could you please send us your Cell number for easy contact?
we are putting a request to our Consular's Section for an expedited visa interview appointment, so we'll call you when we know the date and time of your interview.
please also make sure that your passport is up-to-date (valid at least for 6 months after Oct 04) otherwise it would have to be extended before the visa interview.
Also, please feel free to get in touch with your Baltimore host family and the library people about your housing and internship details. I’m not sure if you have already contacted them, but Cc'd above are the e-mail addresses of the Library contact Jill and the landlady of the host family Angela.
With Best Regards,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Report on last 5 years
Report on last 5 years of Mr. Begzsuren,
an IT Manager of Ulaanbaatar Public Library
August 12, 2010
Me, Mr. Begzsuren has been working in Ulaanbaatar Public Library since 1998. My responsibility is to implement IT to our public library service.
In 6-28th of August 2005, we are 3 librarians participated to the International Visitors Program of U.S. State Department. Now I’m going to briefly list my works and my contribution to my library service update on last 5 years or after our great chance and valuable visitors program.
No | Works | When | Partners |
1. | Web introduction of our | September 2005 | - |
2. | Established Library and Information Technology Association (MoLITA) | March, 2006 | - |
3. | Mongolian traditional board, puzzle and metal games introduction and free playing in the UPL | April-August, 2006 | “Human Development” club |
4. | Drupal CMS implementation for Public Libraries of Mongolia | 2007-2009 | Mongolian Linux Users Association |
5. | Installed Kodicom camera system in UPL | December 2007 | - |
6. | UPL totally changed it’s service into open stacks service environment with 80000 books I programmed on-site and home loan circulation local software for our new service environment | September 2008 | EM Tags supported by Asian Foundation |
7. | Implemented Check-out and Check-in work stations and local software for it | April, 2009 | - |
8. | Started to register librarians private circulation to our local LIS system | December, 2009 | - |
9. | Started DAISY Studio to publish DAISY Talking Books for Mongolian blind community | July, 2010 | Mongolian Blind People’s Association |
10. | Going to implement self check-out work stations to onsite reading circulation | September, 2010 | - |
Some photos from above works at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=478142&id=275646805200
Written by J.Begzsuren
I want to learn and share
What I want to learn from my ONSITE PRACTICAL WORK in
U.S. public library
August 13, 2010
Thank you for your time and project planning to bring us professional experience on site work place.
If I have a chance to work in U.S. public library for 2-4 weeks onsite practical work, I’ll try to learn and know much more in below table.
No | I want to know or my goals |
1. | Library budget or funding ways, can state support your annual budget totally |
2. | How you spend your collected fees from your borrower registration, home loan and others. |
3. | When your library law and service rule last updated, why |
4. | Librarian’s work fields, what is their responsibility, reporting and rate of work. How librarian career go up. |
5. | What is your success and difficulties in open-stacks service environment |
6. | How is a book physical quality, what is a book by your library criteria |
7. | What is your requirement for text and electronic resource acquisition |
8. | Does your readers cut or damage book pages or book damage from permanent shelving |
9. | How your community mostly know about your library |
10. | Who is responsible to update or implement IT system to library service and teach IT literacy to librarians |
11. | What daily/weekly/monthly/on demand reports from your ILS |
12. | Your blind or low vision community and library special services to them |
13. | Young librarians opinion to library service and library community |
14. | What do you imagine about your library future |
If I have a chance to work in U.S. public library for 2-4 weeks onsite practical work, I’ll try to introduce my Mongolia and our city public library to my visited community and library.
No | I will do a presentation and culture exchange program |
1. | My and Ulaanbaatar Public Library introduction /10-15 min/ |
2. | Introduction to “Establishment of DAISY Talking Book Center” /10-15 min/ |
3. | UPL information technology implementations /10-15 min/ |
4. | Mongolian traditional bone game introduction and free time playing /30 min/ |
Written by J.Begzsuren